Docks, milled wood, Property Management & Real Estate

We live and work locally in the Curtis, Mi area!
Meet Jason and Betsy Pollaski
We live and work locally in the Curtis, Mi area!
Meet Jason and Betsy Pollaski
Jason and his wife Betsy Pollaski are a local, honest, hard working family doing many things to keep busy and live out there dreams in our Upper Peninsula.
Jason has spent most of his life working with wood in the UP. He is as honest, hardworking and talented in all he does.
Jane's Lakehouse is my Family's home from Ohio. J n I have the pleasure of managing this as a vacation rental. Please reserve at
We now have taken on another amazing rental.
Licensed since 2007 and working from home, serving you in Mackinac County Curtis Mi area. Looking for an experianced agent to guide you, I am always Happy to Help! Call Betsy at 906-287-0617 Find my listings at
Key Realty, One
Jason builds cedar dock sections. Milling his own logs and offering many sizes and design. They have rounded corners, smooth surface and do not need treated or stained. They are strong, have square post legs with cross bracing for no sway and come from all Upper Peninsula grown cedar.
Please use Airbnb for Jane's Lake House, or Crystal Springs. Please Call, message, or email Betsy for questions and details or to get lined up with Jason and his docks.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope we had something you were looking for. Keep us in mind as we are always adding new things to our adventure.